Comments, Reviews & Testimonials
Strength & Compassion
For more reasons than I can list Wind Daughter is the part of my life that holds me up no matter what. Her strength, compassion and way to include me though we have met but rarely and I know little of the traditions, make every day a reason to give thanks to her and the Universe for letting me be included.
Gunnel Reznikoff, New York
Spider Medicine
I owe so much of my healing journey to you Wind Daughter and to the possibilities opened to me through that trip to build a medicine wheel 13 years ago. There was spider medicine that morning, with deep fog that revealed the thousands of webs and brought home to me the fact of our deep connectedness and intricacy. That night at the pipe ceremony, I also saw ancestors dancing across the circle and behind us as they have always been. And you and I have been on this 13 (a magical number) year journey of healing and light that has prepared us for these times of challenge and wisdom. I can't thank you enough and wish you countless blessings in your new home where you will continue to bless others with your wisdom and your love.
In deepest gratitude, Lynne
Red Road
I attended a week long class led by Wind Daughter back in the early '80's at Lillyde, NY.
Her quiet strength is what I witnessed. A pipe carrier confronted her in the middle of her class. He told her not to hold a sweat lodge on the property. She sought direction 4 days and decided to honor his demand.
Her class covered the talking stick, making prayer stick, talking to stones for permission to be apart of a Medicine Wheel which was powerful, and ending with a Pipe Ceremony.
Her grace, patience, compassion still touches my heart. Chief Sun Bear chose well in his successor. She has made him proud with continuing his wishes.
If you have an opportunity to attend her events, do so. - She walks The Red Road Gracefully.
Drum Dance Sing
I have held on to a address for you and a phone number knowing sometime I would contact you again. I was in your teaching circles 4 years in a row. It took a year were you sent stories and information on the Native American way. It would culminate in a drumming circle when all women from around the Usa would gather and drum dance and sing and in the morning we would build our shields. How things have changed since then, but it good to know I can still reach you. Nothing has given my spirit such meaning as the Native tradition.
Marquerite Dillon
Pipe Carrier
Over the years my husband and I were privileged to join Wind Daughter for a day long teaching and a sweat lodge near Lily Dale, NY. Later we constructed our own Medicine Wheel according to "Dancing With the Wheel." After that my husband Dan was honored when she initiated him as a Pipe Carrier during ceremony. I have always remembered the songs she sang that day that touched my heart so deeply. I loved her teachings and her way of speaking up for herself and all women. Spirit bless Wind Daughter for the teachings and loving wisdom she has shared over the years. We hope to see her again one day and participate in another of her amazing rituals.
Medicine for the People
Wind Daughter is a treasure! I have known her for well over a decade and experienced her work at Isis Cove and the Women's Councils. We are fortunate to have one such as her carrying the Medicine for the People. May it be blessed.
Vision Mountain
Years ago, while still on Vision Mountain, 45 miles outside of Spokane, WA , I attended the Self Reliance class designed by Sun Bear and a year later the Vision Quest at the same place. Wind Daughter watched the fire while we participants where praying and fasting for our vision.
Both classes have changed my entire life towards simplicity, love, peace in my heart.
This I could share with all people I meat throughout my entire life. Wind Daughter, a long term friend, like a sister to me, deserves all my love, respect, appreciation for continuing the teachings of
Sun Bear. The Native teachings in this World are the only ways my heart is resonating with.
Thank you to all my sisters and brothers,
Hildegard Ramsey
Follows Heart
"There is no way to really express my gratitude to Wind Daughter.
She helped me find myself again after my husband died. I am so grateful for her teachings—especially how
everything is so wondrously connected to Spirit and to Mother Earth. And because of her, I met Bear Heart who
gave me my name: Follows Heart. Thank you."
Marca - Pennsylvania
Thank you so much for sharing your world with us, Wind Daughter. You are a strong woman and I have always admired your wisdom and commitment to spreading the light. The women’s gatherings I went to in Hazelton years ago still touch my heart today. I will never forget the spiritual connections that I experienced.
Thank you for being there for me, then and now. Much love ❤️
White Swan Woman
Wind Daughter and her wonderful teachings uplift my spirit, help me to be positive, and increase my self-worth and self-esteem. The people that I have met through these events are genuine, caring and open-minded people. Thanks for your good medicine, Wind Daughter!
She Walks with Beauty on Mother Earth, Earth Woman
I went to a medicine wheel at Lily Dale, New York in the 1990's with Wind Daughter. The Medicine Wheel was marvelous and I felt the kindness and love from a wonderful Teacher. One evening we were to have Sweat Lodge and some indigenous folks decided we should not. I learned a powerful lesson that evening about patience and love, and about how to convert situations into opportunities. Instead of Sweat Lodge we sat in the bones of the lodge and choose pipe ceremony to pray to Creator. A very beautiful and fulfilling evening with Wind Daughter, a woman of great integrity and intelligence.
Aleahkwe, Canada
I have worked with Wind Daughter for many years and it was her support and teachings that brought me to the sacred pipe. The many Spiritual ceremonies over the years have been incredibly good medicine and knowledge filled. The spiritual community is loving and supportive and all inclusive. Wind Daughter walks with integrity and the sacred wisdom of the elders and ancestors. She is a healer and a beautiful soul. Forever grateful for the blessing of her in my life.
Peacefully, Jane Rosalea Brown
My experience of attending a gathering where Wind Daughter shared Indigenous teachings of the Medicine Wheel and a Sweat Lodge has stayed with me over the years. I was a 'Snow Goose' whose stone represented love. Whenever I see geese heading north, I think of the Medicine Wheel's teaching of love. Wind Daughter is a woman of deep wisdom with compassion and caring for our Mother Earth and all beings. Deep gratitude to Wind Daughter for offering her gatherings where we are all enriched by Indigenous teachings,
Whispering Bear Woman
How do you put into words how much Wind Daughter has changed my life completely, with her love, spiritual teachings, kindness, support and guidance!!!! Words come difficult that are in my Heart. My spiritual path has become my healing, my breath, my life, my devotion and my love. I was a very, non-trusting woman when we first met, walls so high, as a survivor of human trafficking. Even then, she showed me love and respect. There is so much more, that words are hard to express that are in my Heart. Look who I am today... a Sacred Pipe Carrier! Thank you Wind Daughter from my Heart and Spirit for all that you have enriched my life; for being my Mother, my GrandMother, Sister, Confidant, and my sweet, dear, closest Friend!!
Grandfather Gordon
The first time I met Wind Daughter was at a gathering in Michigan many years ago. I was quite standoffish due to my own issues around women. I wondered, who was this woman was who attracts so many followers and what is she about? When I finally got to meet her, I felt an instant calm and an energy of acceptance! We have become close friends over the years. I love, respect and honor her. Wind Daughter's Medicine Wheel along with her teachings have enhanced my life greatly. Recently, Wind has bestowed upon me the title of Grandfather of her Michigan community. It was then that I realized that I meant a lot to her as well. I would definitely encourage anyone who is seeking Truth, Love, Respect and Wisdom to attend one of her gatherings with an open heart and mind. You too will be blessed.
Sky Otter
Love Winddaughter! I participate in her events as often as possible. So happy our paths crossed. I do wish she lived closer to my home state... only because then I could selfishly see her more often! One of my true shaman guides!
Michigan Student
Wind Daughter's gentle, experiential teaching style helps beginners and the proficient alike ease into powerful spiritual states and discover new things about themselves and the world around us. I've been attending events where she taught since 1994, and have done in-depth studies with her in both pipe and lodge. I unreservedly recommend her.